Hola mi nombre es Magno Parrot voy a 4to año en el colegio Padre Claret y hoy voy a presentar mi blog
Mapa mental del hardware:
Reported Speech case Chris Martin's (7)
CHRIS MARTIN'S has been acosed for a very long time by one of his fans, the girl who acosed cris was Helen, a 23 year old girl from Kansas, This girl started showing up in chris house, spying him and taking photos, one day chris noticed that and called to the police reporting the harrasament. the girl said to the police that she were a fan and she was very hyped to see Chris in his house and thats is why she started to take photos of him because she wanted to show the photos to his friends. but the police arrested him anyways.
CHRIS MARTIN'S has been acosed for a very long time by one of his fans, the girl who acosed cris was Helen, a 23 year old girl from Kansas, This girl started showing up in chris house, spying him and taking photos, one day chris noticed that and called to the police reporting the harrasament. the girl said to the police that she were a fan and she was very hyped to see Chris in his house and thats is why she started to take photos of him because she wanted to show the photos to his friends. but the police arrested him anyways.
A lighting of hope was given to a devasted city in Japan by ANCUR
10,000 people lost their homes by an earthquake and a tsunami in 2011, ANCUR given a lot of solar lamps to the affected people by the earthquake and tsunami.
it is said that ANCUR carried 1800 lamps and 10,000 masks in an airplane to give those to the people in need, it is in fact an awesome company.
¿Qué les ha parecido la materia?
¿Podrías aportar algunas sugerencias para mejorar el dictado de la misma?
¿Qué tema/as agregarías o retirarías del programa de estudio?
La materia TIC me pareció una materia bastante buena ya que a comparacion de mi escuela anterior en esta materia me enseñó cosas bastante mas útiles y actualizadas, pero esto no quiere decir que sea perfecta ya que hay en algunos aspectos que se ha quedado muy atrás y deberían ser actualizados, mi recomendacion seria que se empiece a enseñar desde la secundaria los fundamentos básicos de programación tales como Html 5, Css3, Javascript ,etc . los temas que retiraría seria todo lo relacionado a WORD, POWER POINT y Excel, ya que esa metodología de trabajo se ha quedado muy atrás y actualmente casi ninguna empresa necesita gente muy experimentada en estos temas, debido a que es tecnología desactualizada.
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